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  • mollylsayer5

Taboo Area Experiment 1:

AI Technology Research:

We are now in a generation where we have progressed with art mediums. This is a area which is rather a taboo subject but not in terms of the health industry as such, but more on the adaptation of how much humanity has contribution to works vs the progression of technology.

When actually creating my art, I am using technology than rather the traditional paint, sculpting or originated forms of art but I am trying to create that texture that the traditional formats would give so like a oil pastel look or painted 3D Effect. We done a lesson on AI technology where our task was to programme words into the AI Generator on google and see what the internet formulates from our chosen prompted words. My experiment next will be to practice this using the prompts of what my concept is so far, so perhaps words I can do art – Health care – Taboo – Nudity – Religion – Identity – Privacy.

‘’Many artists consider AI-art generation tools unethical as they’re often trained using datasets that contain artwork scraped from the internet without their creators’ permission — in some circumstances, you can even see traces of a watermark or signature. There are criticisms that AI art undermines the skills honed over many years by human artists and frustrations over AI-art prompters capitalizing on artists’ work when selling generative art. Given that ArtStation is used by creatives to display industry portfolios and find paid work, it’s not surprising that the community has objected to the apparent acceptance of AI art on the platform.’’ - ArtStation is removing anti-AI protest artwork from its homepage - The Verge

AI technology has its cons from questionable lines of where copy right stands in on a situation like this and the question of if it is actually creating art work itself and if it’s the individual actually creating it.

On the other hand, it is something that is very new and perhaps a new ‘art movement’ that is definitely something that has caught peoples attention. ‘’ There are a few reasons. First, some people feel like AI takes the creativity out of art. They believe that if a machine is creating the artwork, then it’s not really art at all. Second, some people think that AI artwork is just a gimmick and it’s not really worthy of being called art.’’

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