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  • mollylsayer5

Communicate my Overall Progression:

In this section, I just want to reflect on my journey with this course and where I want to progress forward in my self for the future. I can not fault the course one bit. The lessons have been so interesting and exciting to engage into . Reflecting back from 1st Year on this M.A course I was very optimistic and really keen to be grabbing every opportunity. I feel a little bit disappointed in that this last year I have had a lot of circumstances been thrown my way that I have struggled to balance not just this course but every aspect of my life has suffered a little. However, if it is one thing this course has taught me is that It has helped me find my self within my art practice again. I was so lost in what to actually draw because I was completely desensitised from everything I would draw, and I have finally broken that many years of a battle which is a small accomplishment in my book. This course has also taught me that There may not ever be an end to your work and that there can be that continuous development from the concept of your blog. I learned alot about different art methods and engaged with others on my course who have a broad spectrum of art taste and its been a very positive and encouraging experience. It was sadly just a jumble of a year from me but its definitely a learning curb.

I want to continue my journey of looking into taboo subjects. I have contacted Lydia Reeves about her work and just want to get her input on what her next chapter may be for 'My vulva and I am also looking into Midwifery. I may not be at the stage to actually assist or want to practically be apart of it but I am researching more into it to understand the anatomy of the body from having a child and how a women's mind and body can develop from it. In terms of my options career base wise: I want to look into a new job, even if it is for a small company, looking into graphic design / interior design and just find a job where I can be a bit more expressive to art in day to day life. I was at one point contemplating on doing my PHD but I want a break from education and seeing what is out there and available career wise for me. At the moment I feel a little lost working in the health sector and now I think is a perfect opportunity to see if there is anything art based out there for me.

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