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  • mollylsayer5

Lesson Eight Reflection: 18/11/21

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Good Morning!

Todays lesson was a treat where we had to choose a book / research that inspired us and discuss it with our class. However because our classes are on 'Zoom', I lost internet connection and could not properly part take within the lesson. So, I am going to do some research on my chosen book and artist Research:

'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass' By Lewis Carrol. This book is the one That I have chosen to discuss. Alice in Wonderland has had a massive impact on my vision as I am so fascinated with the surrealist approach and vision. That's from the movies as well as books to exhibition work that have also been influenced by it. Alice In Wonderland stuck with me because it taught me that it was Ok to be imaginative that brought suspense as well as positive stimulation. Surrealism to me was a way to establish unreal thoughts but bring them to life through art and the way Alice in Wonderland done that in many art formats was mind blowing. From illustrations to Special effects in movie editing software's. This even refers back to the discussion of Post Modern Art Development from the so called 'Traditional' art from Biro drawings to Sci-Fi Movies and animation.

With Alice and Wonderland, It visually is appealing to me as I really like bold bright colours and a theatrical presence. It influences me to do art based on personal experience, expose it and once I am able to do that I see my self having that level of bazar presentation with my work, yet I need to destruct that barrier to establish work on to this level.

Research: Lewis Carroll.

Lewis Carroll was an English Writer for Children's books, poems and illustrated his own writing. Carroll started off very young doing his writing along side his illustrations and got them published in magazines. Lewis portrayed a very imaginative set of work in a very sophisticated displace. The imaginative illustrative displayed was delicately created in biro which I believe was such a complimentary approach. I say this because when creating art that comes across so unusual and different (Unreal / Surreal) , Adding loads of colour and having too much go on in an image can take away the main details, appearance and attraction. Below, I have done a diagram where I have spoken about parts of Lewis Carroll's work and how I have made connections through other artists or depict the image.

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