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  • mollylsayer5

June/July: The Experiment of Drawing Health.

So in this experiment, I was trying to combine a mixture of props that I have wanted to surround my concept around and a mixture of techniques that I wanted to practice more of using adobe photoshop and illustrator.

I want to be able to re connect with making my artwork whilst surrounding it on health care. So managing to connect between my full time job relating to my art as Since working in health care, I have becoming completely desensitised to uncomfortable exposure. This is an experiment to see if I can spark that connection of exposure and art together again that allows me to question perhaps the curiosity of health and art then I feel that this could maybe be a project to really indulge into.

This artwork was looking at some of the personal health difficulties that I had over a course of 3 years. The tea pot was in many of my drawings of a symbolism of love and betrayal, something that I had experienced which was the start of some of my health challenges. To this day, I haven't had them difficulties anymore but it was an eye opener of acceptance for other health challenges people go through on a daily. So the idea of this was before in the past, I tried drawing different forms of empathy relating to health and art:

- Drawing in a way to how someone must feel themselves going through the stages of dementia.

- Drawing about identity because identity for me was a fascination and a scare for me.

- Drawing about my health conditions of dermatographia.

If I am completely honest about all 3 of them topics, the best response was drawing about identity. I think because a lot of what I was drawing was surrounded around the exploration of expression and emotion, combining the two that conflicted with each other to create that disruption of identity. So I think I know need to look at perhaps how I can do this with a connection of Health Vs Art, perhaps drawing the actual Health is not the way to go around it but drawing the emotion of Health is a suggested next step of development.

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