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Tutorial: 19/11/21

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

My First Tutorial with Jonathan was definitely motivating. We had A discussion on what it is that I want to gain from this course which I will bullet down my thoughts and Goals. Jonathan was explaining how to focus on the process rather than the overall out come. The process can be many great achievements and that is ideally what I want.

  • From this Course, I want to be able to create a volume of set series in different mediums that I feel represents my artistic vision confidentially. Currently I have 2 set series that I feel confident and am always adding to the collection. One is Called 'Before Exposure', the other is 'Ready-to-Wear Illustrations', that I both really feel passionate about. I suppose it is finding the confidence and passion into more Set series which is what I want through this course.

  • A lot of the time I Have really crazy visions on the type of art I can create, but it mentally, I have this barrier where I believe its exposing myself, which isn't so much a bad thing... However I want it done so it feels right because it becomes a reflection on myself.

Jonathan then asked me what is my vision and to describe what it looks like to be in the place / vision of creating the art without them barriers. So being able to expose my vulnerability in my art and indulging in that confidence of suggested art ideas that come to mind. My response was saying ''I wasn't really sure on how to word or say about the art it self As I want to practice with all mediums. But, I had a vision of what I would visually look like my self which would appearance wise display a fabricated confidence. I would have my set series work which I could visually do set exhibitions on different series. But the way Id see my self is almost like a crazy art cat lady (Even though I am not a cat fan!) But A really eccentric no boundary vision on my appearance. I already dress fashionably loud anyway but I spoke abut having loud crazy hair, loud colours of many layers, big coats and big heals on and a personality that fitted the loud comforting way of how I want my art projected." From this I tutorial it was a realisation that I wanted my art to project my my self, and because of my boundaries and self confidence, I am being defiant on what I show or deliver in my art work. Rather than actually showing what it is I can create and exploring different styles. The best way I vision my self as a creative now is a mouse. A mouse who was constantly fearful of the judgement and over stepping the creative boundaries which Is what I knew I could do. But felt so small around the world and wondering how I could do this without feeling like a mouse and being the 'Crazy loud eccentric' lady that I want to be. and from this amazing tutorial I had, Jonathan advised me to draw this loud vision of comparison of who I vision my self to be along side how I portrayed my self now. So lets keep this discussion in mind for a #conceptual brief Idea so far.

If I was to reflect on the type of artwork I base my work on so far, technicality wise it is graphic design / computer generated work. As said, I wanted to do more free thinking ideas. so if I really focused on this conceptual discussion above, I need to experiment different techniques on how I can start this off.

So as I sat and thought about it, I wanted to create the vision of me, as a mouse, interpreted as this big loud fashionista. I tried doing it in the similar style of of the #researched Lewis Carroll as I really love the illustrated Biro finish of his work in his books. Its a method of art I have always admired. Whilst attempting this technique digitally on illustrator, it was a lot more challenging and personally I really dislike this art work because although it may be surreal print, to me it makes me feel really uncomfortable because it doesn't reflect me or my artistic skills. However Jonathan did say I may end up with many different methods of incorporations of a mouse and my

self future admiration. So what did I get from this tutorial and experimental practice?

  • That I want to keep experimenting freely with this small admiration starter point. #Selfadmirationandvisualexpressionism. I feel as though this as a large topic discussion would develop a good starting pathway for not only looking to develop my artistic establishment, but it would mean from this path and this M.A course, Im putting my focus into me as a person. Jonathan said about using this Masters to not just think of a final piece and just a overall 'Good outcome' but to really put the main focus in on the developing side of the work. I want to use this time to develop into something greater than a self imagery of a mouse; but a self reflective journey developing into that colourful eccentric vision or something as equally self empowering.

  • To maybe experiment one side with new techniques, but to also practice with the technical methods I am already good at. I can't dismiss the practical stuff I am good at just because I want it to be bigger and louder. I need to also accept the work and keep developing its strategies.

  • To focus the skills and the position that I am in now.

  • I even attempted like a 'in colour' Biro version to see how that looked, and I think because of the positioning of what I drew, It just didn't look as BOLD and as 'cluttered' as I would like it to have been.

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